Do you need clarification about which type of storefront sign to choose for your business? Digital or traditional? With so many factors to consider, it can be a daunting decision. However, Signimpact is here to help you make the best choice for your business.

We will provide you with the information you need to compare digital and traditional signs so you can choose the one that will most impact your business. We’ll discuss, cost, maintenance, and more to ensure you get the perfect sign for your business.

Defining Your Needs

When choosing the right storefront sign for your business, it’s essential to start by defining your needs. Consider what you want to achieve with your sign and what message you want to convey to potential customers. Are you looking for a sign that will grab attention and stand out on a busy street? Or do you like a more conventional and classic appearance?

By clearly defining your needs and goals, you can make a more informed decision when comparing digital and traditional storefront signs. Now let’s get started and investigate the possibilities!

If you share your specific requirements with Signimpact, we’ll assist you in selecting the ideal sign for your business. Our team is dedicated to ensuring your signage aligns perfectly with your needs and objectives, making your storefront stand out and draw in customers effectively.

Read Also: Storefront Signs Trends: What’s In and What’s Out

Traditional Storefront Signs

Traditional storefront signs have been a staple of the business world for centuries. They cover a vast array of choices, such as:

  • Hand-painted signs
  • Neon signs
  • Wood-carved signs and more

Here are some key points to consider:

1.     Timeless Aesthetics

Traditional signs often bleed a sense of authenticity and charm that digital signage can’t replicate. They can capture the essence of a business, making it stand out in a sea of modernity.

2.     Durability

When well-maintained, traditional signs can withstand the test of time. They don’t rely on electricity so they won’t go dark during power outages.

3.     Low Operating Costs

Traditional signs generally have minimal operating costs once installed. Repairs and maintenance can be more affordable compared to their digital counterparts.

4.     Local Regulations

Some cities have strict regulations governing the appearance of storefronts. Traditional signs can be safer in such cases, as they often align better with these regulations.

Digital Storefront Signs

Digital storefront signs have gained a reputation recently due to their ability to deliver dynamic, engaging content.

Here are some factors to consider:

1.     Flexibility

Digital signs allow businesses to change their messaging in real time, promoting daily specials, events, and promotions with ease. This adaptability can be a game-changer in a fast-paced market.

2.     Eye-catching

Bright, colorful digital displays are impossible to ignore. They attract attention, especially in high-traffic areas, potentially drawing in more foot traffic.

3.     Analytics

Digital signage often comes equipped with analytics tools, enabling businesses to track the effectiveness of their messaging and adjust strategies accordingly.

4.     Costs

The initial investment in digital signage can be significant, including the display cost, content creation, and ongoing electricity expenses. Maintenance can also be expensive.

5.     Complexity

Operating digital signage may require a learning curve, and technical glitches can disrupt business operations if not promptly addressed.

Pros and Cons of Traditional Storefront Signs


On the positive side, traditional signs have a timeless charm and can create a sense of authenticity and nostalgia. They can blend seamlessly with the architecture of older buildings or historic districts. However, traditional signs may have a different level of visibility than digital signs, especially in high-traffic areas.


The disadvantages of traditional signs include limited visibility, static and unchanging content, limited space for information, ongoing maintenance costs, environmental impact, lack of interactivity, inability to collect data, the high cost of replacement for rebranding, limited nighttime visibility, susceptibility to vandalism, and the inability to engage customers effectively compared to digital alternatives.

Pros and Cons of Digital Storefront Signs


Digital signs offer numerous advantages for businesses. One significant benefit is their ability to display dynamic and eye-catching graphics, videos, and messages. This can capture the attention of passersby and create a memorable impression. Digital signs also provide flexibility regarding content updates, allowing businesses to easily customize and change their messaging in real-time.


The initial cost is high, encompassing sign purchase and installation. Ongoing maintenance is necessary for updates and troubleshooting, adding to expenses. These signs consume electricity, raising energy costs and environmental concerns.

Overwhelming visuals can deter potential customers, while sunlight and adverse weather conditions can affect visibility. Adherence to legal and regulatory mandates is crucial. Digital signs can become outdated quickly, necessitating replacement or upgrades.

Factors to Consider When Making a Choice

There are several important factors to consider when choosing between digital and traditional storefront signs. Consider the sign impact and the message you want to convey.

1.     Business Type

Certain businesses, like antique shops or heritage boutiques, may benefit more from traditional signs, while tech-savvy ventures could make the most of digital displays.

2.     Budget

Determine how much you will invest in your storefront sign, initially and over time.

3.     Location

Your business location, local regulations, and the target audience’s preferences should also influence your choice.

4.     Content Needs

Consider whether your business needs to update information frequently or if a static message will suffice.

Read Also: Top 10 Creative Ideas for Eye-Catching Storefront Signs

At Signimpact Sign Shop, we understand that first impressions matter. For this reason, we design, produce, and install high-quality storefront signs that effectively represent your company. Contact us right now to learn how Digital and Traditional storefront signage might improve your branding.

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